"Lifeless Dead" A Series on the "Politics" of Narcissism
Mad Season,"I'm Above"
So just this very last week, I had two encounters with people I believe to be narcissistic. It has been awhile since I've been aware of and connected to it.
Presently, I am to routinely coordinate events with individual #1. It was sudden and I didn't feel ready for it but had to do the deal.
The Stress was closing in on me as soon as I talked to him. So I quickly changed my game plans and kept it simple. My part is my focus and I get it handled, that's it. It helps to keep our business minimal for me, thus less stress I'm feeling good about it.
My other encounter was with someone I was interested romantically in. We seemed to connect with an 'old soul' vibe. I thought he had really good boundaries and was verbally blessed. The way he was assertive/aggressive about his "boundaries" was something I admired. He was helpful with issues that needed my firm approach on, using his boundary etiquette so-to-speak. His mental clarity and executive functioning were firing, as he explained these "truths". It was new to me and I was in awe.
After the excitement died down of meeting each other, I started noticing things that seemed "OFF". Although he talked about liking me and enjoyed being with me, I just didn't feel his heart really being there for me. It seemed as though his motives were indifferent yet focused and his focus was lost on me. What feels unkind is most likely is unkind, and I had to get away from that..
What was 'metaphysically' amazing was that these two guys, said the exact same words to me this week. I found it curious that they had 'BOTH' made reference to it in the same week.
We were talking about their prospective EX's at the time. They were being sincerely nice when they said, 'she's a good girl' about their EX's..
Really, it is 2017 boys. Are you saying she is a good girl? or are you saying she listens and does what you expect?

I was quietly amazed and tickled about how dumb they sounded, having said 'she's a good girl'.
I mean really.. .How easy was it? For those words, to roll off their lips.They said it fond like, about the women that loved them.
Narcissistic Politics in Intimate Relationships
7 Signs of Narcissistic Abuse by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D.
Would you know if you were entangled in the politics of narcissistic abuse? Here are the seven tell-tale signs of narcissistic abusers. Understand these signs, and you will know the politics of narcissistic abuse.
1) No Empathy These people truly don’t have the capacity for empathy. They do not have the ability to authentically embrace the experiential world of another person unless for selfish gain.
In other words, these people can put on a good “caring” show...in their effort to manipulate others for their own personal benefit. But they won’t and can’t stand in the shoes of another, genuinely.

Goldilocks went into another person's house because she wanted something to eat. She didn't think twice about breaking into someone else's private personal space just because she was hungry. She didn't try to eat just one bowl of porridge or sit in just one chair. She had to taste the food out of someone's own bowl, 3 separate times. As was with the chairs, breaking one of them. That did not stop Goldilocks! She coldly climbed the stairs to ultimately, sleep in one of their very own beds!! Where was Goldi's empathy around abusing all these private personal possessions? How could she contaminate, destroy, then carelessly fall asleep inside someone else's bed? She is a narcissist. When the bear family finally did show up, she ran. She wasn't about to face her responsibilities because she won’t and can’t stand in the shoes of another, genuinely. She does not have the ability to authentically embrace the experiential world of another person unless for selfish gain.
Reflections of a narcissist:
Egoist--"so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"
Narcist--Someone in love with themselves.
Look for the next chapter in "Lifeless Dead".. A Series on the "Politics" of Narcissism
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