Emo IQ and my Top Song Crushes Part II
Seasons by Chris Cornell

Feeling Word: Proud
His awkward and shadowy smile made her think, "he is proud of me."
Awakening Mindfulness: Putting Negative Self Talk to Sleep Cont.
Paradoxically, this technique also sounds simple. It is, yet it isn’t. Trust me if that sounds like a Zen Koan to you, then you’re on the right track. Rooted in Eastern religions the idea of self-awareness and non-judgment IS like a Zen koan. Merriam Web dictionary explains a koan as “a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenment”. Just like a koan, mindfulness are non-judgemental self awareness requires one to abandon our dependence on what seems reasonable and logical, i.e. assigning value to our thoughts, such as good or bad, and instead trust intuitively that this technique of non-judgement will lead us toward a new way of being, a more enlightened state of mind. The idea behind changing an overflow of negative thinking is not simply to build a dam of “don't do this and stop that, or there I go again…”, it is more about just observing and being aware that you may be thinking or saying to yourself “I shouldn’t do this and I need to stop that…” being aware those thoughts are there, and somewhere we inadvertently, assigned value to them. In doing this the dam dissipates and allows the thoughts to flow on by freely taking their natural course. Eventually these new waterways if you will, of inner thoughts create new grooves, new patterns in thinking that lead to a healthy mind.
The Outsider by A Perfect Circle
Feeling Word: Horrified
The cat jumped into the air horrified by the loud noise it heard.
Step 3: Get Help With Difficult Emotions
Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can't shake a tough emotion. If you find yourself stuck in feelings of sadness or worry for more than a couple of weeks, or if you feel so upset that you think you might hurt yourself or other people, you may need extra help.
Reviewed by: D'Arcy Lyness, PhD
Date reviewed: January 2017
Passenger by Deftones and Maynard of Tool
Feeling Word: Jealous
I'm jealous of anyone who plays live music a lot.
Awakening Mindfulness cont.._The importance of awareness without assigning immediate judgment can take some practice but it is through this practice that the one benefits and can grow in a more positive direction. The way Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D describes it on her article for Psych Central's blog is that “The key here is to bring awareness and intentionality to the moments of our lives. Be aware when the brain is automatically judging a situation or a person and we can pause and get some perspective. Was this judgment just something that popped in my mind? Is there another way I can see this? Is the checkout person in the checkout line just a checkout person or someone with their own history or triumphs, perceived failures, moments of adventure, and wanting the same thing I do, to be understood and cared about?”[1]. In her explanation and example, she refers to outwardly judgment of others, but the concept is the same for self-judgment. Being aware of our assignment of value to our PERCEPTION of behavior is invaluable. Questioning and becoming compassionate towards the origins and old maladaptive skills that once served a purpose allows us to realize we can now detach from these ways that are no longer needed, it clears and till the soil of the mind to allow for a new healthy crop of thoughts.
As you most likely have caught on by now, I love using imagery as a way of conveying ideas. The use of imagery and in particular, guided imagery and guided meditations I have found are great tools for practicing mindfulness. Finding techniques that fit ones own unique interests can be most beneficial. Fortunately, there are as many helpful techniques available to us, as there are negative thoughts awaiting non-judgement awareness. To get started on your own path of enlightenment and for more ideas on how to practice non-judgmental awareness, google ‘mindfulness techniques' and practice some today without judgment, while I return to my happy place, without judging my insomnia of course J zzzz.
One of my son's favorite songs, Diamond Sword as a Minecraft song.
One of my son's favorite songs, Diamond Sword as a Minecraft song.
The feeling in that clinic was tactile and difficult.
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