My top 80's song Crushes and your Complete Guide to Recovery
If you are thinking you want to stop using, but can't seem to make the change, here are some pointers that I've learned throughout my lifetime.
1. Find a medical detox you can go to. These places will separate you from the drugs/alcohol, using medications for a safe way to stop. At the detox, you will sleep and eat, while you detox from use.
Look at this time as your beginning to heal and be aligned with your sober ideals, what you want for yourself. Or it can be a time to mourn, letting go of this the lifestyle and the high is hard to swallow for some people. Any way you look at it we all need to focus on our life goals and be free to do so.
2.Go get tested.
Wherever you are in your disease, you should always get a work up at the Doctors or local clinic. Blood work for STD, HEP C, and HIV testing is your responsibility and will put your mind at rest. We do things in our disease that we wouldn't do normally, like unprotected sex. If you are still using, get some condoms for yourself, and don't count on the other person to take care of protection.
3.Do ninety meeting in ninety days in a 12 step program.
One of the first things I learned in recovery was to do ninety meetings in ninety days. I have done this a few times and it is a great way to cushion yourself in the beginning of your recovery. It helps lay the foundation for success in staying clean and sober. You may find meetings at and
4. Get a sponsor. Don't overthink it, just find someone that you can call and talk to. They are there to take you through the 12 steps and guide you through your sobriety. Commit to keeping them through the process of your step-work. Listen to their sugg lolstions and try to follow them. Work with another addict/alcoholic is the crux of the 12 step program.
5. Talk to a professional about your mental health.By now you should have a routine going and are settling down, so you can take the time to follow through on this aspect of recovery. Getting on the right meds takes time and you want to be sure to follow through with each of them. My own journey with depression caused me to feel hopeless and suicidal and so it was important that I became stabilized with the right medicines so I would stop looking to the bottle to self medicate. Some of us need more than meetings to get on with life.
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