Capricorn SLAVERY

MGMT.. Time to Pretend.. my Audio Support
I'm another year older and celebrating my life's journey this last year. 2017 really was "my year" where I broke through difficult personal barriers that don't work for me. Meeting my doctor and finding another solution has been a blessing. I know that my God is in 'the details" and I thank Him.

Let's get to the root cause of things! I'm convinced that the way I talk to myself is the "root" cause of all my pain. A life with a bigger "voice" during stressful moments is the "project" I thought would be primarily the best. Talking and listening to my inner voice and being mindful is what I'm practicing as well as changing the messages. It has been a strange skill to ease into.
So getting help from a"kindred" spirit, a specialist in the field for communications, validated this goal for me. She could relate to my frustrations and gave me her educated solutions. I was to " heal me from the "bottom up" instead of "top-down," she said. She wanted to do a new treatment on me using

I could feel a shift for sure inside me as I listened to it. It felt kinda eery but wonderful to hear these lovely notes. shop/sound-health-collection- 8-pack/
Has any course of action been a support for your well being? I want to hear! Tell me in the comments below.
Happy Birthday to me and Jack: )
I'm another year older and celebrating my life's journey this last year. 2017 really was "my year" where I broke through difficult personal barriers that don't work for me. Meeting my doctor and finding another solution has been a blessing. I know that my God is in 'the details" and I thank Him. I hope we can all have good experiences like this. NLM
Has any course of action been a support for your well being? I want to hear! Tell me in the comments below.
Take a look at my first poem and essential tune of 2018!

Happy Birthday to me and Jack: )

My wonderful little family.. NLM
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